Tcalls OTP test

Test Form >

As we are on trial, please send us a request to add the Facebook keys and the the phone number to send OTP. Then we will arrange the test with you. To test the plugin fill this form on the right:

    Here where you can test the Tcalls OTP Plugin.

    You will get this msg below if Plugin not yet configured (the Facebook ACCESS TOKEN not inserted)

    “Error validating access token: The session is invalid because the user logged out.”

    If you entered error OTP code then you will get

    “OTP validation failed. Please try again.”

    If it is successful then you will get:

    “Sent OTP successfully. If not received, please resend again.”

    For detailed instruction, please visit


    If the configuration was correct by entering correct Facebook: ACCESS TOKEN, PHONE NUMBER ID and TEMPLATE NAME. Then you will get this:
